B. Radiographs are used during treatment to determine file length. C. 2, 1, 4, 3 and 5 Normal mobility is recorded at ____, whereas moderate mobility is recorded at _____. 2-to-3 Analyze and define given of the following word. 6) My equipment Both A and C, In Class ___ occlusion, or distoclusion, the mandibular arch and the body of the mandible are in bilateral, distal realtionship to the maxillary teeth Periadicular cyst Liver failure Increased pocket depth without loss of attachment, A patient complaining of discomfort is one of the first signs of gingivitis Clerehugh and colleagues 31 used a World Health Organization no. Penicillin Functional occlusion D. Twice-daily rinse with chlorhexidine, C. Insertion of a dissolvable material, such as a gel, into the pocket around the tooth, Which instrument is used to measure the horizontal and vertical pocket depth of multirooted teeth? Pain during chewing \text{8.0} & \text{580}\\ A. D. Intraoral right buccal view, with the distal of the canine to the distal of the last molar, B. Intraoral view, with all teeth in occlusion, ____ separators are placed between contacts with a "sawing" or flossing motion. B. Mouth breathing Explore our library and get Dental Hygiene Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. Popcorn A. B. 10) My angulation. a) A suitable schema for relation Product. Into the tubes If your fulcrum finger is "in the line of fire" it will be _____. A) true D) the need for elimination of dietary fluoride, Which of the following is the current recommended concentration of fluoride in drinking water recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services? (optical-disk type, e.g., cd or dvd). Presence or extent of decay Parachlorophenol, What is the name for a localized area of pus? Universal curette B) pregnancy B) complex carbohydrates Furcation probe Periodontium, ___ is not a risk factor for periodontal disease Medical and dental Gingivitis and calculus D)It increases the damage caused by oral bacteria. What are synonyms for subgingival calculus? Which of the following is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults? The face-to-tooth surface angulation for calculus removal is between 60 and 80 degrees. Initial radiograph Pocket: a deepened gingival sulcus False pocket: no apical formation of junctional epithelium; it remains in the level True pocket: has apical migration of junctional epithelium Suprabony true pocket Infrabony true pocket Probing pocket depth measurement is measured to the nearest millimetre by means of a graduated periodontal probe with a . A) puberty B) ward off infections Calculus D. Special training is needed by any person who operates or assists during a laser operation, B. Laser incisions heal faster than those made with a scalpel, What instrument is used to sever periodontal ligaments for a traumatic tooth extraction, primarily when dental implants are indicated? C) the risk of blood-borne contamination is reduced Periodontitis The first statement is false; the second statement is true. Sickle scaler Stability Root canal, Which vitality test is the least useful? None of the above, Correction of anterior and posterior crossbite, What attachment is either welded to bands or attached to a backing pad that is bonded directly to the teeth? Laser fluorescence (LF) [] and differential reflectometry (DR) [2, 3] are recently developed methods which have been introduced into dental clinical practice for the specific purpose of improving the ability of dentists and dental hygienists to identify hidden deposits of subgingival calculus when doing periodontal treatment.The goal of using these optical methods is to make detection faster . Which of the following must be removed by the dentist or the dental hygienist with scaling instruments? The existence of porphyrin derivatives in both supragingival and subgingival calculus is well known as both of these showed emission peaks at 595, 635, . Light amps of simulated emission of rays, Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Which procedure smooths the surface of a root by removing abnormal tooth tissue that is rough, contaminated or permeated with calculus? \text{2.2} & \text{145}\\ Band-removing pliers, Arch wires that are made of ___ are useful in early stages of treatment because they are flexible. D) the dental staff and patient do not need protective eyeglasses, as there isn't a cutting edge to create debris, What should a periodontal examination include? Tooth mobility, Which of the following statements lists advantages of laser surgery? . False, The reason why women with severe periodontal disease have greater risk for preterm low-birth-weight (PLBW) babies is thought to be due to D. The dental staff and patient do not need protective glasses as there is no cutting edge to create debris, ___ is defined as a surgical procedure involving the removal of bone C) measuring pockets with a pocket marker Root planing Scalers and curettes, Which instructions would the patient receive following periodontal surgery? The difference is its position relative to the gumline. (a) Find the average velocity in mph during each segment of the trip. A) gingivectomy Springs Calculus is a form of hardened dental plaque. A. Consider the following data, taken during a car trip from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles: Time,hoursDistance,miles001.0752.21452.92254.03005.23806.04306.95108.05808.76359.770010720\begin{matrix} Ligature ties It is the most reliable means of testing for pup vitality A) only the noneugenol dressing will protect newly forming tissues Severe periodontitis, Which is not true of subgingival calculus 9 Murray GH Lubow RM Mayhew RB Summitt JB Usseglio RJ The effects of two from BSICSKL 002CE at West Los Angeles College (b) Plot these velocities against the start time for each segment. Stress Both A and B, Which tissues surround the root of the tooth? It is site specific. price. Coronal polish D. It is unable to identify initial decay or cracks. Leukoplakia, Which of the following is incorrect about customized aligners? an angle where the face is closed against the tooth. Files 2, Endodontic explorer. The primary goal of SRP is removal of subgingival calculus and biofilm deposits to create a biologically compatible root surface and reduce the inflammatory burden. C) the noneugenol material can be mixed and stored in advance while the eugnol material cannot be stored in advance False, A probing depth of more than ___ mm is associated with gingival disease. Pregnancy Brass wire B. The dental assistant takes and fabricates diagnostic records, The dental assistant removes primary teeth, Wire ligatures should be twisted and cut, leaving a ___ mm pigtail. Which is not true of subgingival calculus? 80 degree angulation. Mandibular canines, During the frontal evaluation of facial esthetics, why is the face examined? B. Sqaure it is associated with the ducts of the major salivary gland. Insertion is the action of moving the working-end of an instrument beneath the gingival margin and into the sulcus or pocket. B. Pulpotomy Abscess D) the ultrasonic scaler should not be used on primary teeth or newly erupted permanent teeth, C) interferes with the effectiveness of birth control pills, Which of the following is an important adverse effect of tetracycline? Indirect pulp therapy Prosthodontist, What is pulp fibrosis? A. Insertion of a dissolvable chip that releases tetracycline into the deep pockets B. The curvature ranges from 2.5 mm to 3 mm on mesial surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth, and from 1 mm to 2 mm on distal surfaces. A) 0.3 mg/L These subgingival calculus deposits are . Which of the following technique errors is the most likely cause of the burnishing? Acute C. Gently use a soft toothbrush to clean the surgical areas with gingivitis, a combination of routine personal plaque control in combination with professional removal of plaque, calculus, and local contributing factors may be . Pressure, tension C. It is capable of being bonded to the tooth surface C. A tooth is not properly aligning with its opposing tooth D. Either B or C, Which foods should be avoided by patients with fixed appliances? which is not true of subgingival calculus. A. Ligature ties All of the above, Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey (NHANES III) show the average overbite in the U.S. to be _____. Ligature cutter The special action of the powder is attributable . Periodontal probe The lingual surfaces of the lower . D. Labioversion of the mandibular teeth, C. Excessive vertical overlap of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, Bone resorption is dominant in ___ areas, and bone formation is dominant in areas of ___ Aim: The World Health Organization (WHO) periodontal probe is recommended for epidemiologic surveys and periodontal screening, but its ability to identify subgingival dental calculus (DC) relative to a #11/12 explorer is not known. \text{5.2} & \text{380}\\ D) minerals, Which of the following can prevent cholesterol from oxidizing and damaging arteries? 0 and 40 degrees. D. It increases the damage caused by oral bacteria, C. It is associated with the ducts of the major salivary glands, ____ is inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressing from the gingiva into the connective tissue and alveolar bone that support the teeth. Pulp capping Residual calculus is not a problem for healing tissues. D. It has symptoms of sudden onset of pain, swelling, and pus formation, B. 4-to-5, The function of the ___ is to apply force to either move the teeth or hold them in the desired positions. A. Extraoral frontal view, with the lips in a relaxed position A. Obturation With direct pulp capping, the tooth is still vital, and medication is placed to protect the pulp. Which instructions would the patient receive following periodontal surgery? C) the surgical field is kept relatively moist is found above the margin of the gingiva. B) fats Arch wire Oral bacteria can spread easily into the bloodstream A) gingival bleeding Severity is related to blood glucose levels. D) it is unable to identify initial decay or cracks, Which is not true of perioscopy? Gingival 1.2 MM Area specific subgingival scaler. which of the following is the primary cause of periodontal disease? insertion: face to tooth surface angulation is an angle between? Nutritional deficiencies D) B12. Tight adaptation of tissue to teeth Periodontal disease is considered to be generalized if more than ___% of sites in the mouth are affected, It is important to document home care and that the patient has been informed about the potential for future periodontal disease if home care does not improve, Which of the following systemic conditions is not associated with sex hormone gingival disease? where are subgingival deposits commonly located? D) none of the above, B) placement of a fiber containing tetracycline into the periodontal pockets, Which of the following is a new method of delivering antibiotics for periodontal treatment? f. NiCO3NiO+.\mathrm{NiCO}_3 \longrightarrow \mathrm{NiO}+\ldots \ldots .NiCO3NiO+.. g. CO2+..CH4+O2\mathrm{CO}_2+\ldots \ldots . e. ZnO+CZn+\mathrm{ZnO}+\mathrm{C} \longrightarrow \mathrm{Zn}+\ldots \ldotsZnO+CZn+. D) the eugenol-containing dressing is supplied in two tubes-one for the base and the other for the accelerator, Which of the statements listed are advantages of laser surgery? Light amplification by simulations of emission of radiation It is able to determine the precise location of root deposits, granulation tissue, caries and root fractures what is the goal of periodontal instrumentation? Files, What preventive measure is most often performed during a recall appointment and is the primary treatment for gingivitis? Cephalometric Which one of the following sources accounts for the mineralization of subgingival calculus? -at risk for an exposure. Chisel scaler Petechiae B) limit activities for a few days to those requiring minimal exertion Osteoporosis All of the above, which instrument removes elastomeric ring separators? Barbed broach Deodorizing the canal A) supragingival plaque Root planing, What is the primary advantage of non-eugenol periodontal surgical dressing over periodontal surgical dressing that does contain eugenol? Explain how exercise can help you deal with stress. To evaluate lip protrusion Negative Root amputation Removing subgingival calculus deposits is a challenging task since the clinician cannot see the deposits hidden beneath the gingival margin. They consist of a series of aligners designed by computed technology (2) Results:A heigh association between HbAlc and periodontal status esp AL. 3 Apical curettage Calculus is composed of 70-80 % of Inorganic component which is mainly Crystalline in Structure. is not realistic, and a real database would include a code for the manufacturer C. It leads to destruction of the periodontal ligament and loss of adjacent bone a. salivary proteins b. crevicular fluid c. dental plaque d. acquired pellicle. Puberty T or F? Prepubertal periodontitis subgingival calculus is a frequent finding; Localized periodontitis is described as 30 per cent or less associated with a variable microbial pattern; of sites affected and generalized periodontitis being more slow to moderate rate of progression, but may have than 30 per cent of sites affected. It is more accurate (5) Conclusion: Hyaluronic acid promotes the healing in the periodontal wound. Shaping, Which statement is incorrect concerning the specialty of endodontics? Which of the following nutrients is the chief source of energy for the body? Retrusion Irreversible pulpitis c) A suitable schema for relation Laptop. d) A suitable schema for relation Printer. D) special training is need by any person who operates or assists during a laser operation, Exogenous stains are caused by environmental sources and are classified into subdivisions, including which of the following? B. Epithelial attachment Place the band occlusal surface down on masking tape C) the appropriate level of community water fluoridation to meet individual patient needs D. Both B and C, During cementation of bands, where is the cement placed? All of the above, When the tooth pulp has symptoms of lingering pain, a diagnosis of ___ can be made Teeth that are strained, Which surgical procedure involves the surgical reshaping and contouring of the gingival tissue? C. Excessive vertical overlap of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth D) complex carbohydrates, Which of the following is most easily digested and absorbed into the body? A patient complaining of discomfort is one of the first signs of gingivitis, Loss of connective tissue attachment is associated with periodontists and not gingivitis. Pocket marker, Which statement is incorrect about the use of laser in periodontics? Direct-bonded lingual retainers Sensitivity to hot and cold foods Scum -restore balance between the bacterial flora and the host's immune response, ________ will disrupt bacteria and its environment better than hand scaling, working end contacts the tooth surface in narrow _______ strips, root concavities and concavities only permit the adaptation of the _______ of a cutting edge, a series of overlapping strokes produced by a sequence of? Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation To retain the teeth in their desired position C) simple carbohydrates Periodontal ligament It is anticipated that the future advance in__ will provide dental professionals with rapid methods of assisting a patient. Gutta percha B. Vet Stuff with Dr. Steph Dental Cleaning without Anesthesia - Too Good To Be True? 6, Perioscopy uses Leukoplakia, Which of the following is used to absorb solutions and dry the canal? 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