Gives a list of all HRC20 tokens deployed including name, symbol, address, circulating supply, Total Supply and number of holders. Terra Classic is up 0.64% in the last 24 hours. Terra Docs. Luna (LUNA) ERC20 Token in Binance Smart Chain Mainnet. LUNA Classic crashed over 99% from over $80. Want to keep track of LUNC in real-time? the Terra blockchain is fully community-owned and built to enable the next generation of Web3 products and services. However, you can add Luna to MetaMask by using the Terra Bridge and use it for multiple purposes including the Terra Luna Staking. 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Wormhole: LUNA Token | Address 0x156ab3346823b651294766e23e6cf87254d68962 | BscScan Contract 0x156ab3346823B651294766e23e6Cf87254d68962 12 Wormhole Token Contract BscScan - Sponsored slots available. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming total number of 6.9 Trillion ETH tokens are in circulation today. Terra Luna Classic 's market cap is $955.97M. 39,204,070,870.6796 Grove_Dividend_Tracker, Private Name Tags (up to 35 characters) can be used for easy identification of addresses. Crypto Market Update, XYO ARE WE GOING TO SEE A NEW TARGET HERE IS WHY?? Click on Import tokens and then tap on Custom Tokens. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Thank youu . Access exclusive reports by CoinGecko analysts! Name* CoinCarp(CC) provides Crypto Price Tracking, Exchange Ranking, Crypto Wallet Ranking, Crypto Data Analysis, and Crypto News & Information. LUNA is a governance token, and it also pegs Terra's value to other stablecoin. To receive alerts, please allow web browser notification permission. 0xb6f6d86a8f9879a9c87f643768d9efc38c1da6e7, 0x1aec75ceca263f50be989c29703c056e7d96417c037a871afc0b60e51f2c59d5, 0x1b80a2ab229b40b48f396d6387690cfa15319833290cf99e3aa5c0bb2f0678a3, 0x9419846263e075198283a099542e5059b23e04dd, 0xfab5f36454e4a00a52a1a33752a45dc6e5d6bd0700a52e77240f942ab254366b, 0xd1059ddf2dcddc3f751dde2467d9882c521947a1, 0xf1822c79e1b2a8598393b9da372578858450e80bdcc26022af2aa5f82f5594ec, 0x30655da97ab5d19d2697d17c0bddf0781cfaf770dd44a5b3881a9fb26ddcde96, 0xcc45a0ffa78b035972ab895394c4cd726128ab450937f0bcbb359bb5e2c50de8, 0xb0212b177c3039565224fd21e4d4b44b1a88bf113ddaff606112c1569fcc758d, 0xc445b91493c2a2788022b290181a30ebb8329953b309530275a5d326dfae5b07, 0x440e09664387b7776dec38f349d4ae70d1407470275fb3fb42e097b874a13ab6, 0x01954342e6ac4ec6d630849a6fd3d505191f4b1cf87ba70a2893962fc030f021, 0x1ecb18fc52da08fcddeb20077bb7b82ceb70e59edfe324930cfb09359c05acd9, 0x2f703c982893891b3afd0d89d9a56a550afd636bc741d778032f84736de68fec, 0x06e779fb5eac4cff689d44e36706f88eae2d3f9c, 0x8173f828331bafc884da3f25e7d8c20b937fe558477c5f17f200c90227c5ce16, 0x41719e57fe24277b7cfa6df71cafb8a43d89cb0fc77dcdc6752b1a5dd7dee57e, 0xf458505a9dec71095fd41b5c5cd3b62ae48f8adca8d5f38dac5e9cf6c924e9e3, 0xa10ecd1a6f7e2bbf27354b83976ae318aa9da860, 0x55e3f0869350a06b60a89f0d611f3ae52d6cadb574f9322fbd037359d3b6d7d5, 0x6b44f6107c2bda1a0082733dff49a5a5b721b066, 0x1f5f5249f9355bcd5da327caaa7061693acd6078fa9bbb7dd7c0f6c283726a8b, 0x57f267baede6ea90a34a4b330f8ab1c436b7ad4e, 0xce3b8de5b21277835dc572e7663cf46433107468ca690bdbc18fbc576b0a2eff, 0x93931ba8a65e18a428ed90422e42275159e016c5, 0xbc654966db17b1249e48abbb64ee4b7bdf4effb29b3a8df641638776c4a10552, 0x809b8551ba3f22d023fe0712ac7ce0e43c1c5dc8, 0xad9decb6a623c3283dad1ff94f402f811b4814b9e288ab96100bdf4d1f6c952e, 0x2bbc57cfe601440743fdeeeccb0a59ef6d0221f7779053a9a1e47254c6289e14, 0x1b26d17428b0da501a0d0d4a1ba65b62b3de4b87, 0x9edf58451fb1cedb2f5500035043ade28b6a4757cddf8166765951bfb85c243b, 0x86c8e51546419ef45cc0ff0ffccbd9ebbff008ce55760e9414acd087d4c641d2, 0x2f1fdcc4708322f77f6deb301d1fc2f68e1cbe43249c942c47a3b05e8753d51e, 0x7a9fb1612554bddcc2ae066706da5d32fbd3b980b4566cdccddc5fe17c275b79, 0x15fdf39dca8149456d37119242469f8f888b63a09e4ac38f10a16f3bc6831aa9, 0x8ab0e23f74dca6cb0c45651d19120b53704915db, 0x3dcb18569425930954feb191122e574b87f66abd. 2.97 % . The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #102, with a live market cap of $390,738,414 USD. Buy on App | DOLAR MALYET ORTALAMASI KULLAN PASF GELR KAZAN!, FREE Pancakeswap Bot / +20% Profit per DAY / Pancakeswap Bot / Pancakeswap sniper Bot / Defi Bot, Argentine Football Association Fan Token ARG, PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power CVP. It has three core functions: i) mine Terra transactions through staking, ii) ensure the price stability of Terra stablecoins and iii) provide incentives for the platforms blockchain validators. In February 2019, the company announced that e-commerce platforms from 10 different countries, representing a user base of 45 million and a gross merchandise value of $25 billion, were members of the alliance. $LUNC existed before the launch of the new chain now branded Terra (LUNA) and works with the original code of the Terra ecosystem. Wrapped LUNA Token is traded on exchanges. Please be safe. Both versions of the token have the right to exist as a result of the implementation of a proposal called Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan 2. He received criticism for his plans from Binance founder Changpeng Zhao and Vitalik Buterin, as well as from disgruntled UST investors. In July 2019, Terra announced a partnership with Chai, a South Korea-based mobile payments application, in which purchases made using the application on e-commerce platforms are processed via the Terra blockchain network. To do so, you should: Open the MetaMask wallet and select the wallet in question. We're sorry but secretnodes-vue doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Terra Addresses. Fully anonymous play & bet: no any verifications, no any limits, no any restrictions, no any reasons to not join 1xBit now! The LUNA token and UST are mutually dependent, as the success of the Terra ecosystem is a function of the adoption of UST as a stablecoin. Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them on our. Posted in Contract Addresses. Sponsored slots available. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. LUNA backs UST and is burned when demand for UST rises. If this helped then like the video!Feel free to leave any questions that you have down below!Terra CoinMarketCap Link: The old luna was dubbed Luna classic, while the new Luna is now trading at $0.00009737. Terra (LUNA) ERC20 Token in Binance Smart Chain Mainnet. I tried google searching but all I see are Luna contract addresses on ETH. Posted in Contract Addresses. Where to Buy, Sell and Trade Terra aka LUNA. Read beginner-friendly guides & articles. BC.GAME-The Best BNB Casino with 1,000,000 BNB Daily Bonus. All rights reserved, We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. The LUNA token will be airdropped across Luna Classic stakers, holders, residual UST holders and essential Terra Classic app developers. Development Suite. 4) Please ensure you have sufficient UST to pay for Bridge transaction fees. So, here's a look at whether you can add the Terra Luna network to MetaMask. Show more, Latest 25 from a total of 541,855 transactions, BscScan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for BNB Smart Chain, BscScan 2023 (BSC-C) Other popular options include TokoCrypto and BingX. The Terra protocol runs on a Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain, whereby miners must stake their Luna in order to mine transactions. View More. May 23, 2022 Do Kwon shares LUNA burn address but warns 'LUNAtics' against using it Upon a persistent request from the Terra community, Kwon went against his initial plan and publicly shared. With a circulating supply of 5.9 Trillion LUNC, Terra Luna Classic is valued at a market cap of $977,760,517. Terra Luna Classic Topluluu Kabul Etti: Teklifler 11242 ve 11243 Detaylar! Binance has completed the Terra (LUNA) airdrop distribution to Terra Classic (LUNC) and TerraClassicUSD (USTC) holders. The coin's value tumbled dramatically on Wednesday, falling from around $6.75 to just over $1.. LUNA (Wormhole) (LUNA) Token Tracker on SnowTrace shows the price of the Token $0.00, total supply 210,839,952.996872, number of holders 1,111 and updated information of the token. The phoenix-1 Terra mainnet launch was seen as a new era of development by the Terra community. Discover all things Terra . This represents a 0.70% price increase in the last 24 hours and a -0.70% price decline in the past 7 days. Investments are subject to market risk Users can also keep their vested LUNA staked after their cliff hits to continue earning staking rewards. Thereafter, her remaining airdrop will be vested linearly to the same wallet address over 2 years with a 6 month cliff. This ensures users have agency over which validators their vested LUNA is staked with. The lowest price paid for Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) is $0.000000999967, which was recorded on May 13, 2022 (10 months). SSV News Today, XYO THE LAST CHANCE ON THIS DATE XYO LATEST PRICE PREDICTION & LATEST NEWS 2023, XYO Price Analysis! Disclaimer: WARNING! The new LUNA tokens were airdropped to existing holders of LUNA and UST before the depeg and subsequent crash occurred. CoinMarketCap has an educational section Alexandria to teach you all about crypto and how to buy your first coins. Setup Documentation. If you are looking to buy or sell LUNA, PancakeSwap (v2) is currently the most active exchange. It does so by incentivizing LUNA holders to swap LUNA and stablecoins at profitable exchange rates, as needed, to either expand or contract the stablecoin supply to match demand. Receive, send, store and exchange your cryptocurrency within the mobile interface. You will need to add the Luna contract address. Alice will receive 30% of her eligible airdrop at Genesis on May 27th. Comparatively, the current price is 3,940.96% higher than the all-time low price. For MetaMask wallets, this will be either BSC or Ethereum. Immediately after network launch to provide for runway while they build out product. . Click to Upload Instantiate. CryptoSlots - 25 Free Spins at CryptoSlots. EDIT:I figured out that you don't need to query a Smart Contract to get LUNA's price. Any use or reliance on our content is solely at your own risk and discretion. Following upgrades like Columbus-5, the supply of LUNA could become highly deflationary in the long run. A post-mortem on everything that transpired the past week is in progress. These are tremendously difficult times for everyone affected. Join Our Community What is $LUNC (Terra Classic)? Portal is a bridge that offers unlimited transfers across chains for tokens and NFTs wrapped by Wormhole. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #102, with a live market cap of $383,669,801 USD. Users can change their delegator and will earn staking rewards on their vested LUNA but are subject to a six-month cliff. Most expert analysts and websites seem optimistic about the long-term prospects of LUNA 2.0, although many report possible short-term losses. Download the, Want to convert LUNA price today to your desired fiat currency? Most cases are related to the misuse and diversion (Read More), The original Terra Chain will be rebranded as Terra Classic. CoinGecko may be compensated when you sign up and trade on these affiliate platforms. With cryptocurrency, things are different. Darius-was-the-goody 1 yr. ago. by Admin Posted on June 18, 2022. _______________________________________ Token display limit reached. By continuing to use this website, you agree to its Terms and Privacy Policy. The community is bullish as more than 72% of users are feeling good about Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) today. Read about Terra (LUNA) and TerraClassicUSD (USTC). 1. The LUNA airdrop will happen on May 28, 2022, at 06:00 GMT. At Genesis, all airdropped, vesting LUNA will be automatically staked to Terra validators in order to preserve network security. Terra seeks to set itself apart through its use of fiat-pegged stablecoins, stating that it combines the borderless benefits of cryptocurrencies with the day-to-day price stability of fiat currencies. Luna Classic (LUNC) is the first native token of Terra blockchain released in August 2018. Change the wallet network in the MetaMask Application to add this contract. Subscribe for Airdrops and Other Updates . Secure Smart Contract Platform. Prev Contract Address Generator. Note: If the final allocation of new LUNA to the address is less than 1 LUNA, the airdrop will be allocated to the community pool. His proposal was voted into effect by the community and Terra Classic hard forked into its new Terra blockchain on May 27, 2022. I bought some Terra Luna using Pancake swap, my question is, how is it possible to own terra on the binance smart chain? Once it detects that a Terra stablecoin has deviated from its peg, it will apply pressure to correct the deviation. Luna (LUNA) Token Tracker | FtmScan Token Luna Overview ERC-20 Price $0.00 @ 0.000000 FTM Fully Diluted Market Cap $0.00 Total Supply: 63,503,877.204721 LUNA Holders: 780 addresses Transfers: - Profile Summary Contract: 0x95dd59343a893637be1c3228060ee6afbf6f0730 Decimals: 6 Social Profiles: Not Available, Update ? Shuttle charges a fee only for transferring assets from Terra to Ethereum/BSC, and the quantity is calculated as max($1, 0.1% * amount). I hope this article will help you to learn what is LUNA . There is a theory that the additional term classic is a reference to the Ethereum / Ethereum Classic split in 2017. 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To query a Smart Contract to get LUNA 's price Chain Mainnet address 0x156ab3346823b651294766e23e6cf87254d68962 | BscScan Contract 0x156ab3346823b651294766e23e6cf87254d68962 Wormhole!
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